Punto di riferimento unico del mercato agroalimentare francese, offre notizie, recensioni, analisi di assortimento sui PDV e ampi approfondimenti su novità e focus di mercato.
Editore: Editions du Boisbaudry
Diffusione: Francia
Target: Buyers, Store Manager e Responsabili di reparto, Direttori Tecnici della GDO
Periodicità: Mensile (11 numeri/anno)
Formato rivista: 24 x 280 mm; oltre 200 pagine a numero
DIGITAL: Web e Newsletter
Linéaires is the agri-food media leader in France and a one-stop-solution tool for heads of department, aisle managers and food buyers in the retail industry.
Publisher: Editions du Boisbaudry
Circulation: France
Target: Food and frozen food Buyers, Store and Aisle Managers, Wholesale retailers in the grocery retail industry
Publication Frequency: Monthly (11 issues/year)
Format: 224 x 280 mm (more than 200 pp. per issue)
DIGITAL: Web and Newsletter
E’ la principale testata dedicata al B2B di bevande e vini in Francia. Offre notizie, interviste e dati sull’andamento della vendita di bevande, vini e liquori nei vari segmenti della distribuzione organizzata.
Editore: Editions du Boisbaudry
Diffusione: Francia
Target: Buyers, Store Manager, Responsabili dei reparti Vini e Bevande GDO
Periodicità: mensile (11 numeri all’anno)
Formato rivista: 224 x 280 mm
DIGITAL: Web e Newsletter
Rayon Boissons is the unique magazine in France devoted to the large-scale beverage retail sector. First published in 1993, Rayon Boissons focuses specifically on the day-to-day concerns and expectations of beverage buyers and department managers.
Publisher: Editions du Boisbaudry
Circulation: France
Target: beverage buyers and department managers, supermarkets and click&collect outlet managers, beverage professionals and wine merchants
Publication Frequency: monthly (11 issues/year)
Format: 224 x 280 mm
DIGITAL: Web and Newsletter
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